Our First Video Newsletter ~ Coffee Conversations
Kingdom Footprint is making some changes to help keep you more informed.
We are making the transition from an email newsletter to a quarterly video newsletter.
The newsletters will FIRST be posted on our platform and sent out as an LIVE EVENT. You will be able to register and receive reminders for the event up to 4 weeks in advance. The event will be hosted on ZOOM, so you may want to download the app and /or familiarize yourself to ZOOM. These LIVE EVENTS we will still call ”Coffee Converstaions”!
SECOND, the video newsletter will be sent out via email, around one week after the LIVE EVENT. By clicking on the photo, you will be taken to our ZOOM account where you can watch a replay of the LIVE EVENT.
LASTLY, the video link will be posted on the community platform as a new story, with a description of the topics covered in the newsletter, and the hyperlink that will take you to the video to watch or share with others. (Link Below)
(Link Above)
So, our ”Coffee Converstaions” will live on, with more interaction, pre-event questionares, and have the ability to watch or re-watch at your convenience.
Thank you for being a part of our community, we know the Gospel moves at the speed of relationship! So your relationship to us matters.
Mateo Melendez