He Has Beautiful Feet

Mateo and I spent October in Northeast India doing pastor and pastor’s wives training. We had a travel companion named Dr. KK who works very closely with the pastors in that region of India.

K.K’s God story is crazy awesome (but so is mine and yours)! As a young child he became demon possessed, ran away from home and was living on the streets while his father and mother were high priest and priestess in the Hindu religion. However, God in His sovereignty and His grace rescued him and saved his mother and sister.

K.K. has such a humble spirit and servants heart. We spent so many hours on planes, trains and automobiles with him so we were able to have some incredible talks and laughs. By the way K.K. Is now my favorite driver in India (sorry King)

K.K travels the majority of the year encouraging the pastors that are in the areas where pastors have been beaten and martyred for sharing Jesus. I wish I had a recording of him encouraging the pastors to remain strong and grow in their faith and that Jesus is worth everything! Yes, amen!

KK and his family live on $35 support from his mission organization. He has 2 biological children and 11 adopted children of which one is physically handicapped. His wife and mother are the full-time caregivers . They have had to move about three times this year because they have been cursed at and persecuted in their villages because of their faith and non practice of the Hindu religion.

One of our last nights in India with KK we were sitting eating dinner. He and I were sharing a vegetarian meal while Mateo enjoyed his meat filled dinner. I looked up to see KK look at his phone and his face go white as tears started to pour. Mateo and I jumped up and hugged him and just started praying over him while he got his composure. When he could talk he said his pastor friend had passed away. This is a pastor that we learned about only a few short days of being in country. He was pulled out into the streets, stripped and beaten for sharing Christ. The Hindu radicals recorded the beating and then posted it online bragging about it.

K.K. and the pastors faith remain strong even in this incredible spiritual battle. I pray this post ignites your passion to pray for those going to the darkest areas to fight for the salvation of those lost and in need of our Savior. May you fall more in love with Jesus, exercise your freedom and boldness to share Christ with the person He has brought into your path because it isn’t random it’s Him connecting you to another person for them to have freedom and salvation.

Romans 10:15 how beautiful are the feet of those who carry the gospel of peace