Casa Biblica in Guatemala these Days!

Last year we made a campaign that at the end it was very succesfull. And we got the funds for our family and for the new plant church, Casa Biblica in the city of Ciudad Vieja. So in the picture you can see the difference from the video that we filmed from the beggining of the church to the one picture we got recently.

The Church was established in April of this year and we already have enough people to start adding more chairs. The challenge continues cause, we still need few items such as: Speakers, a set of lights in the front, drumms, a electric guitar, electric bass, one air conditioner, a better sound system, another to finish our complete Project. But, God has been good with all of us, is His church.

So, for this year we enter the second phase of thie project of Casa Biblica. If you want to join us to reach the Catholic people of Ciudad Vieja (37,000 people and 90% is Guatemalan Catholic) please donate trough this website. We are very good friends with the Melendez and we know that the church of Christ is going to rise in all the world, blessings

Luis C.