21 Days Of Prayer ~ Preview

January 7th - 27th

Kingdom Footprint will post a 3 minute video each day for 21 days of focused prayer. This is a collaboration of our leadership & partners to bring encouragement, and to inspire each of us to grow closer in our relationship the The Father as we seek Him on our faith journey.

We know that many churches start of the year with a 21 day fast. Please feel free to use these videos as an additional resource for you, your family, small group or church during your fast.

It’s our prayer that this will be a great blessing to you!


  • Patrick Bwire on 1/5/2021 9:29:34 AM

    Thank you so much for the idea it's welcome we need prayers here in Uganda since we are going through general election and we have seen on social media what is happening we are trusting God for peaceful election and even in other countries that are undergoing the same experience plus the epidemic which is killing our people globally.